Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Thanks to you, we obtained the 1st position in the AEGEE Europe Evaluations for Summer University project, so THANKS, THANKS, THANKS again because this award arrive after work a lot during last months but it could be impossible without your energy, your smile, your steps, and you!!!

You can see all the evaluations HERE.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Si recordáis la noticia de hace una semana de 25 jóvenes extranjeros que realizaban el Camino de Santiago de la mano de la Asociación Juvenil AEGEE, os diré que llegamos a Santiago de Compostela cansados, enteros y llenos de alegría por acabar una ruta de más de cien kilómetros desde el primer sello de la credencial allí en Sarria.
El lunes día 12, los integrantes de 12 países diferentes del evento “On the way of St. James” visitábamos Astorga, O Cebreiro y echábamos a andar en Sarria. El martes salíamos temprano de Portomarín, ese pueblo subido al monte voluntariamente, para hacer crecer el río ahora seco y respirar nuevos aires desde lo alto, con sus iglesias trasladadas piedra a piedra alejándose de ese puente romano y peregrino. El miércoles llegábamos a Palas de Rei, pueblo llegado a menos que hoy sólo vive de las peregrinaciones, y donde el rey Witiza vivió 6 años. La siguiente etapa nos conducía a O Pedrouzo, previa parada en Melide, degustando unas raciones de pulpo en el restaurado Casa Ezequiel. Y finalmente desde Arzúa nos encaminamos en una última etapa atravesando Lavacolla, el aeropuerto y las sedes de la Televisión gallega y de RTVE Galicia, para divisar por primera vez las torres de la Catedral desde el Monte do Gozo y luego descender paso a paso hasta llegar a las calles empedradas y grises de Santiago y tirarnos en el suelo viendo la increíble catedral en la Plaza del Obradoiro.
Una experiencia inigualable, que recomiendo hacer a todo el mundo. Sellar las credenciales, al menos dos cada día, discurrir por senderos que entran en bosques de eucaliptos, pisar permanentemente las bellotas de las encinas que vamos dejando atrás en el camino y aprender historias y leyendas, siguiendo las pisadas de esos desgraciados y desterrados, que viajando a la tumba del apóstol y recibiendo la Compostela, podían regresar de su destierro y afrontar su nueva vida. Descubrir iglesias y aldeas en el medio de la nada, donde no llegan las carreteras y donde un peregrino nos espera para charlar durante varios metros, y coincidir en los albergues y senderos siguientes, hasta perderlo y reencontrarlo en la misa del peregrino de todos los sábados a las 12:00.
El Camino es una ruta donde uno se conoce a sí mismo, piensa y se pregunta, para encontrar una respuesta y que al llegar a la espalda del Apóstol, ese abrazo nos dé el aliento y las ganas por regresar nuevamente a casa y afrontar así, los nuevos retos de la vida.

25 jóvenes europeos parten desde León hacia Santiago con AEGEE
Conocer y hacer el Camino con 25 jóvenes europeos de 12 países diferentes

No es Año Xacobeo. Tampoco son Jóvenes del Papa. No es por ningún concierto, ni vienen a ver a su equipo deportivo. Son 20 jóvenes europeos, que vienen de 12 países diferentes atraídos por la Asociación Juvenil AEGEE-León, que a través de una llamada hacia el viejo continente, tiene programada una Summer University que se inicia en León el 10 de septiembre y finaliza en Santiago de Compostale el día 18.
Bajo el título de “On the way of Saint James”, los jóvenes conocerán la ciudad de León durante el fin de semana, visitarán la Catedral, el Musac, viajarán a otra época en la Plaza del Grano, conocerán la historia de la ciudad a través de San Isidoro, y disfrutarán del ambiente social y nocturno del Barrio Húmedo, con gymkana de tapas incluida.
El lunes tomarán rumbo a Astorga, O Cebreiro y Sarriá, donde dirán adiós al autobús para caminar hasta el viernes, por la “Ruta de las Estrellas”. Portomarín, Palas de Rei, Arzúa, Pedrouzo... Para llegar el fin de semana a Santiago, sellar la última credencial y ganarse el jubileo.
Todo ello por 80 euros que incluye el alojamiento en albergues privados y algo más de media pensión para éstos nueve días, con una programación organizada por un grupo de voluntarios de la asociación, AEGEE-León, que lleva trabajando y colaborando con Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de León y los Erasmus que vienen a nuestra ciudad durante la última década.
Con actividades como esta invitamos a los jóvenes leoneses a moverse y a conocer Europa. A abrirse al mundo y charlar con gente como nosotros, pero que tienen otra cultura, otras costumbres y tradiciones”. Además de mejorar el inglés, se aprenden palabras en otros idiomas y se establecen unas relaciones que ayudan a entender lo que nos rodea más allá del barrio, de la ciudad y los amigos. “Europa está muy cerca, sólo hay que perder el miedo y saltar más allá de los Pirineos”.

Hacerse socio de AEGEE-León solamente cuesta 20 € el primer año, siendo la renovación anual por 10 €. El ser socio significa poder formar parte de un intercambio en Letonia, en Serbia, en Grecia, en Turquía… Ser socio significa poder participar en una Summer University en cualquiera de los más de 100 destinos que anualmente se ofrecen por todo el continente. Ser socio de AEGEE-León significa hacer actividades con los Erasmus de tu ciudad y además, ser socio de la mayor asociación de estudiantes de Europa, con más de 14.000 jóvenes de 230 ciudades de 43 países. Con dos reuniones anuales donde se juntan más de 1.000 personas en cada una. Con working groups de diferente temática, educación, naturaleza, religión, visados… Comisiones para crear leyes, velar por que se cumplan, iniciativas que toman forma con la opinión de los jóvenes europeos y que se presentan en los estamentos políticos de Bruselas. AEGEE te abre la posibilidad de saltar a Europa, te lo decíamos, es muy fácil. ¡Sólo hay que intentarlo!

NOTICIA 08/09/2011:

NOTICIA 09/09/2011: At 13:50 interview in COPE RADIO.

NOTICIA 10/09/2011: Again in


Here we let you the official website of Santiago de Compostela. You can choose different languages in the right hand. ;)

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Here we let you the official website in different languages. I hope you like our city, capital of the old Kingdom :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

On Route

During the route, you must always follow the yellow arrow!!

Here you can see all the details about the route!! Oh yeah!!

You need

- Shoes for walking. Because they are only a few days, without mountains, trekking or sport type with good amortigacion it will be good, but have to be a used ones, never a new ones!
- Shower slippers!!
- Backpack
- Sleeping bag
- Baston /walking stick, if you want – it´s usefull.
- Towel
- Useful grooming
- Toilet paper / tissues
- Cap or hat
- Raincoat  / Waterproof jacket
- Trousers: Shorts, 2 or 1: Large, 1 or 2
- 3 shirts or similar
- Warm sweater or comfortable sweater
- Swimsuit
- 4 pairs of socks
- 3 underwear
- Personal documentation (passport, ID…) and Insurance health card
- Suncream
- Your normal medicine, or your favorite drugs ;)
- Canteen or similar for the water

Friday, August 19, 2011


DAINA - Riga.

Hi. My name is Daina (29) - participant from Latvia, Riga. I am working as a Senior Desk Officer in the Projects Division at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. I am playing in French theater and dancing belly dances. I want to be there and enjoy this event with other participants (and of course, I am eager to walk)! Remark for organizers - I eat meat :)

ANETE - Riga.

Hi, my name is Anete.  I’m a real estate agent from Latvia. I love nature, arts, languages and people full of love for life and energy.
In this Summer University I expect to have a glimpse of Spain as I have never been there, get to know new people, walk a lot and just have a good time together!!

MATHIEU - Leuven.

Hey all!
My name is Mathieu, a 25 year old Law and MBA graduate but busy in a two completely different fields: the Road to Rio+20 and photography. I love travelling and am looking forward to walking the last part of the Caminó again, but this time with a group of AEGEE people instead of my grandmother :)
My apologies for the pretty straightforward picture, but I'm having some troubles with my laptop and I don't have access to the rest of my files. See you in some weeks! Mathieu.

KATE - Brussels.

Hi everyone!
My name is Kate, I'm turning 21 on the 10th of September, I'm a student from Brussels-Belgium and I'm studying a master of Business and Technology. I love to laugh and have fun, but I can enjoy a good discussion as well.
During this SU I want to visit places in Spain that I've never seen before, I want to get to know some more nice AEGEE'ans who prefer to do a SU that's just a little bit different from the ordinary SU that's filled with parties. (But that doesn't mean that I don't want to party, on the contrary!) Love to see you all in September!

CLAIRE - Lyon.

Hi all! I'm Claire, 23 year old, from AEGEE-Lyon but now living in Paris. I've finished my study in Political Science last year and i'm now working in an international organisation in Paris.

I'm really happy to participate in this SU to discover a bit more of Spain but also, as Kate, to meet AEGEE people who are not doing a SU just to drink and party!

See you in 3 weeks!!

NIKOLINA - Sarajevo.

Hola everyone, I'm Nikolina from AEGEE Sarajevo. Last year I took one year off from University so I moved a lot, lived in different cities, worked, traveled, met a lot of wonderful people...this SU is going to be the end of my one year "holidays" since my studies start in October. I study  Political science, focusing on the Balkan area. I identify myself with the  Balkans...sometimes too crazy, sometimes extremly silent. I m really looking forward to the SU because I love walking, talking, partying...and am walking few days alone on the Camino so I will be extremly happy when I meet you all and have company. And not to forget: I love AEGEE and I even more love Spain!

AIVAR - Tallin.

Hi travellers!

I'm Aivar, coming from Estonia. I study sociology at Tallinn University. I'm very excited about the SU and about the country as it is my first visit to Spain!

I'm also new in AEGEE and looking forward to meeting people from the organisation.

About the snapshot: some people claim that I bear some resemblance to Harry Potter, hence the costume.
ESZTER - Budapest. 

Hi everyone! I'm Eszter from Budapest.I'm studying dentistry ,this is my last  year at the University. I like arts,music festivals,doing yoga and meeting with different cultures .I'm so excited about this SU ,not just because I've never attended in a SU before.. this route is one of my biggest dream to walk through!So anyway I'm expect to spend some nice days with you in Spain. :) (I'm only afraid of my english and the airplane :)) See you in two weeks !


Hola, my future amigos! I'm Kostia from AEGEE-Kyiv. I'm 22 and I'm computer science bachelor (but not as geeky as you'll probably think :p) willing to enter smth like mba or tech management soon. This is my.. (countless) AEGEE event, still verrry special one: guess we are going to combine philosophy of The Way and aegee-spirit. I adore Spain, Spanish, Espanol.. now north-western part :), thus I'm absolutely sure that we'll rock the rocks! I'm doing brazillian jiu-jitsu and body building, so, girls, just in case you need any protection during long walks through deadly forests.. You know whom to ask for assistance :) Kisses, hugs, Ukrainian vodka with honey for international evening, and see you very soon!
ps: my foto. Nothing special.
pps: add me on facebook ^_^

EMRE - Izmir.

Hi!! I'm Emre coming from Turkey in İzmir.I'am studying  business administration.

I'm so excited because SU will start 10 september and my birthday is 10 september :))

I like travelling drinking and walking :)  I'm expect to  spend  some nice days..


Hi, my name is Gundega and I'm from Riga, Latvia.

I'm working in finance and I like to travel! I love to discover new places, new cultures and share emotions!

Look forward joining a trip through the Stars! :)

EMRE - Ankara.

Dear amigos,

I'm Emre from Ankara.(Again Emre it will be easy to remember )I am studying Economics and working in  my university radio . I really love to walking ( my friends always complain about this ),having fun and meeting new people. I moved a lot in Turkey i have started to think "there is no more fun in turkey lets visit spain" :) i am sure during our trip we ll have lots of fun and after SU we ll have lots of memories.At the same time I am learning espanol. I am gonna be happy when i learn different things about spanish culture. My last words: Arriba abajo al centro pa dentro :) Hasta la vista :)


hi guys! i'm Francesca, 21years old italian medicine student and i'm....i'm trying to find any sensate thing to write in this presentation! better knowing each other directly in the sunny spain, isn't it??otherways i should admit that i'm usually a nice person, that love travelling and chatting and discovering and lots more...
...although sometimes "i loose the track of rationality" so that i send email to wrong people (sorry guys :S)... could look a little crazy  (..that should be "loca" in spanish according to's important to know the main words of the country!!)  ...and i'll probably end up in doing some poor funny figure...but never mind, as i'm really happy at the idea of leaving soon and joining you all for this path: aegee-spirit, walks and a mixture of history and legends :)  i definetely hope neither to  loose my way at least on st james path nor to remember that i have to prepare my backpack one hour before the plane, so...a presto!!!:D

CHRISTIAN - Mannheim.

Heyyyyyy participants and organisers!!! I'm Christian, 27 years young. I study business education at Mannheim University in my 5th year. I like playing  soccer, traveling and hiking. During my study abroad semester I hiked a lot with some friends and discovered the stunning landscapes of New Zealand. It was always a wish to once walk the camino de santiago and in two weeks this dream will come true :) I'm looking forward to  having a great time with you guys and to learning a lot about Spanish customs and the camino de santiago. About the photo: I'm the guy in the middle ;-)

EERO - Tallin.
Hello adventurers. My name is Eero and i am a friendly guy from Estonia. I have been a history teacher and now i am working as a professional tour guide in Tallinn and as a little bit of an enterpreneur.

The summer here has been busy and i am looking forward to take the time out with you. Sports: cross-country skiing. Books: history, art.

I am also looking for contacts for any kind of cooperation on a tourism field. Lets have a Walk together.

ZSOFI - Budapest.

Hello everyone,

My name is Zsófi and i'm 22 year old girl from Hungary. Now I start my marketing studies on masters in Budapest. I love to explore and try new things, that's why i'm here now.

I've already been in Spain but just as an avarege tourist, so probably now i'll have more familiar experiences. During the trip I'd like to know you better and enjoy the walk, and actually party :D I'm a nice girl, but usually i have not funny jokes :)

I hope to see you soon guys, and start this great summer meeting.